Why subscribe?
Every week, I read over a hundred articles around the web. I’m discerning in my choice of things to read, preferring articles that probe the intersection of science, technology and society, especially through art, creativity, philosophy, historical studies, finance, diplomacy and politics. This is broad, but not as broad as you might think.
If I like an article more than the others, I include it in the week’s linklist, together with a (relatively) short excerpt from the text. If it’s a video, I try to embed it. There’s really nothing else in the newsletter.
In fact, the linklist is a low-key thing. I also don’t put any efforts into formatting it beyond setting out the bullet points, and I mail it out once it has 10-12 articles, which these days is roughly once a fortnight.
Check out the archives. The first edition went out on July 19, 2020.